The DBF competition could not take place in 2020 due to the Corona pandemic.
Instead, we visited the DBF team from Graz in Autumn 2020.
What Were The Rules Of The Competition?
Required documents
- Design Report
Necessary inspections
- Tech Inspection (checking the theoretical flight suitability)
Mission 1:
- three circuits
- Points: 1
Mission 2:
- Passenger and baggage transport for a limited time (3 laps)
- Points: 1 + [N_(#passengers/time)/Max_(#passengers/time)]
Mission 3:
- Banner flight (10 minutes)
- Points: 2 + [N_(#laps * banner length) / Max_(#laps * banner length)]
Ground Mission:
- Loading and unloading of passengers
- Points: [min_time/team_time]
Total score = DesignReportScore * Total(missions)
What are the rules of this competition?
- Maximum 1.524m wingspan
- Passenger weight 115g
- Baggage weight 28g
- Banner length to height ratio 5:1
- Maximum battery size 200Wh
Our Preparations For The Competition
Thanks to our first participation in the DBF 2019 competition, we were able to gain a lot of knowledge and new ideas. For the next competition, we plan to build prototypes and try out new things. The subsystems will be tested earlier, and the use of the banner will also be analyzed and improved using a wind tunnel test. We are also trying to complete more test flights in order to improve times and address potential problems earlier. This time, the fuselage of the aircraft is made of carbon fiber, and the wing is built using a carbon fiber sandwich construction. In general, the model aircraft should be optimized more for speed and maneuverability.